Xero My Payroll: An Effective Way To Track Payroll Anytime


Are you interested in viewing the information your payroll administrator enters about you? You can now see all information about your payroll in Xero My Payroll. Employees can now view and track their payslips, leave requests, and time sheets. Xero is the leading online accounting and payroll tool that serves business needs.

Apart from business, Xero also provides personalised service to employees. It’s easy to track the salaries, payslips, and leaves at any time. It is essential to note down the services offered by Xero. To know how My Xero Payroll can benefit you, read the post till the end.

What Is Xero My Payroll?

It covers more than just a list of employees. It provides easy access to various information related to payroll. This Xero software offers an effective way to balance accounting and payroll needs for businesses. Here’s how it benefits businesses and employees:

Single Touch Payroll Sorted

  • Using the Xero software simplifies compliance with the ATO.
  • You can access the single-touch payroll report on each payday.
  • Views the salary, wage, PAYG, and other details.

Automated Payroll In Xero

  • Businesses can now pay their employees in just a few clicks. Xero allows employees to access payroll data in their accounts with one click.
  • Calculates your income tax, total salary, and deductions.
  • Can receive the payslips via email with password protection. The next level of protection of confidential information of employees and businesses.
  • Offers flexible tax rates to employees by utilising best financial practices. Receive the payslips whenever you want.

Employee Self-Service 

  • You can access Payroll via the app, mobile or web. The payroll admin can give access to various permissions to employees.
  • The employee self-service lets you submit leave requests and timesheets for review.
  • You can view the current leave balance and payslips you received.
  • Complete access to Payroll on all devices. Use the mobile app and desktop versions for quick access to all your payroll accounts.

Payroll allows you to:

  1. Request leave
  2. Print your payment summary
  3. Change your employment details.
  4. View your payroll and payslips details
  5. Enter the timesheets( if you paid casually)

Read More:- Xero Pricing: A Complete Review Of Xero’s Latest Plan In The UK

Required Steps For Xero My Payroll Login 

The process of logging in to a payroll account is simple. My Xero payroll shows the payroll administrator’s information about you in payroll software. You should contact your business owner or payroll administrator in these cases:

  • Unable to see your latest payment in your Payroll account. 
  • If there is a delay in your next payday or you don’t know when your next payday is.
  • You want access to historical leave balances or payslips.

Xero Payroll Login Process

Follow these simple steps to log in to your payroll account:

  • Firstly, ask your Payroll Administrator or Business Owner for access to My Payroll.
  • Next, accept the Invitation Email that they sent you.
  • After that, log in to your Xero Account or create a new one.
  • Now, tap on the Payroll tab and click the My Payroll option.
  • Move your cursor over View Text under the Annual Salary to view the salary details.
  • Finally, request leave and record your time on the timesheet.

Request Leave As An Employee In Xero My Payroll

As an employee, you can request leave by using the My Payroll Xero Login app. If your manager hasn’t approved your leave request, you can update it in your Payroll app or software.

Here is the simple process of requesting leave in Xero payroll:

  1. Firstly, go to the My Payroll section 
  2. Then, go to the Leave tab.
  3. After that, tap on the New Leave Request option from the list.
  4. In the next step, fill out the following fields:
    • Types Of Requests: Select the leave type.
    • Description Of Leave: It’s not included on your Payslip.
    • Approver: Select your manager or administrator to approve your request.
    • Start and End Date: Select your leave’s first and last days.
    • No of Hours: Request part-days separately to enter several hours.
  5. Finally, hit the Request button.

Create, Submit Or Edit The Timesheet In My Xero Payroll

My Xero Payroll allows you to create, edit or submit a timesheet. You can skip the days you are on leave in your timesheet. Enter your timesheets and submit them for approval so that your earnings, time off and holidays calculate correctly.

  • Firstly, go to the My Payroll section 
  • Then, open the Timesheets tab.
  • Now, select Unsubmitted from Any Status list to the timesheets. 
  • Next, click the Create button for the pay period you wish to create a timesheet.
  • Then, click on the Date to open it.
  • Moreover, choose the Earning Type you receive from an employer.
  • After that, select the Tracking Category option. 
  • Now, enter the number of hours you worked in HH: MM format.
  • Click Add New to enter the details if any of your hours are on a different earning rate.
  • Then, edit the remaining time blocks to complete the timesheet. 
  • After that, click on the Submit button to end the process.

Remember, you can only edit or delete the timesheet before your manager or administrator approves it.

Approve Time Off As An Authorised Employee

You can approve an employee’s leave by using the Xero payroll tool. To approve time off as an authorised employee, follow the steps below:

  • Firstly, go to the My Payroll section 
  • After that, open the Team Management tab.
  • Then, scroll down to the Pending Request tab.
  • After that, click the Time Off Request you want to approve.
  • Review the number of hours and days to ensure they are correct as per your records.
  • In the end, click the Approve button.


Xero My Payroll application allows the employee to view the information in the payroll account. You can view salary slips and create, edit or submit timesheets to an administrator. It is essential for employees as well as business owners to use Xero to ease payroll activities. You can easily install it on the web, Android, and iOS devices.

You can call our expert anytime if you face any issue or error while installing or using it. MWJ Consultancy offers software support services in all leading accounting software. Our technical support team have expertise in Xero, Sage, TurboCash, TurboTax, QuickBooks, Quicken and many more. For instant consultation, contact us now.

Frequently Asked Questions

You need payroll admin access to invite payroll employees to view their information. Follow the steps to invite payroll employees:

  • First of all, invite the employee to My Payroll.
  • After that, give the employee permission to Approve Time Off.

Once they accept the invite from Xero Payroll, set up the Login Process.

You may need a Xero certification account if you face an error while using My Xero payroll. A qualified technician can solve errors and queries. Moreover, they also help to keep you updated with HMRC compliance.

Follow the steps to access your Payslip in the payroll app:

  • First of all, select My payroll, then select the Payslips tab.
  • After that, click on the Payslip to download it as a PDF file.
  • Finally, Print or Save the Payslip.
Xero My Payroll: An Effective Way To Track Payroll Anytime

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