QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a: 8 Ways To Fix The DLL Issue


Many QuickBooks users keep getting the QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a while opening the QB Desktop software. The library or DLL can not load the dynamic link library. The DLL file permits programs to share the functionality. Your device might get affected due to Error 80029c4a in QuickBooks.


If you are stuck with the same issue, then go through the article and resolve the issue on your own. You can also talk to our experts to get professional assistance and resolve the issue as soon as possible. You need to find out the main reason behind the error 80029c4a. We have listed the top reasons and symptoms.

What Is QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a?

It is an unexpected error that usually arises whenever you try to launch QuickBooks or company files. The issue also arises when a company file is corrupted or damaged. There are several factors behind this issue. You must know about the causes and symptoms.


Leading Causes

Here is the list of leading causes:

  • The files are damaged, missing, or corrupted.
  • Unable to locate the company files.
  • Antivirus or Firewall is blocking QB.
  • Malware or Virus attacks.
  • Corrupted Windows registry files.
  • Improper installation process.
  • Missing or corrupted DLL files.
  • Missing QuickBooks components.

Symptoms Of Error 80029c4a

These are the symptoms:

  • Windows OS is slow.
  • The program window crashes repeatedly.
  • The device freezes.
  • An error message appears on your screen.
  • The device responds slowly.
  • QB company files are damaged or missing.
  • The operating system collapsed.

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Ways To Resolve QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a?

There are several methods to fix this issue on your own. You will not need expert assistance or technical knowledge to perform these methods. However, we have selected simple, easy-to-follow methods to resolve this issue. You can perform these methods:

Method 1: Update Antivirus Settings

Here is how to update the Antivirus program:

  • Firstly, launch your Antivirus application.
  • Go to the Update window.


  • Then, click on the Program tab.
  • Follow the prompts on your display.
  • Finally, select Engine & Virus to update the software.

Method 2: Use reboot.bat File

Follow these steps:

  • Firstly, close the QuickBooks Desktop application.
  • Right-tap the QuickBooks icon and click Properties.
  • Then, select the Open File Location option to continue.
  • Locate and right-tap the reboot.bat file.


  • After that, select the Run As System Administrator option.
  • The window will close automatically after the completion.
  • Finally, restart your device.

Method 3: Quarantine The Antivirus Program

Here is how to do so:

  • Firstly, open the Antivirus application.
  • Then, go to the Settings menu.
  • After that, click on the Quarantine option.
  • Select the Application name to continue further.
  • Finally, grant permission to bypass firewall settings.

Here is the list of QB services:


Method 4: Update Your QuickBooks Software

Follow the instructions given below:

  • Firstly, launch your QB application.
  • Tap File and select the Exit option.
  • Then, ensure that you are using your device as an Admin.
  • Navigate to the Help window and click Update QuickBooks.


  • After that, select Mark All and tap Save.
  • Click Update Now to proceed and tap the Reset Update option.
  • Then, select Get Updates to download the file.


  • Moreover, relaunch QB software and click Yes to install updates.
  • Finally, restart your device after successful installation.

Method 5: Repair Your QuickBooks Software

Here are the steps to repair your QuickBooks.

  • Firstly, exit the QuickBooks Desktop application.
  • Hit the Windows key or click on the Windows icon.
  • Then, open the Control Panel settings.
  • Moreover, select the Change or Uninstall option.
  • After that, select the QuickBooks application.


  • Moreover, click the Uninstall or Change option.
  • Then, click Next and tap the Repair button.


  • Finally, tap Finish after the completion of the repair process.

Method 6: Use Windows System File Checker Tool

Follow these steps listed below:

  • Firstly, open the Start menu.
  • After that, enter Command in the Search field and hit the Enter key.
  • Then, open the Command Prompt on your device.
  • Moreover, enter SFC/Scannow in the text field and hit the Enter key.


  • After that, complete the scanning process.
  • Then, you will get on-screen commands to fix the issue.
  • Finally, follow the on-screen prompts.

Method 7: Perform A Clean Install

Go through the steps given here:

  • Firstly, collect the Product Details.
  • Moreover, download the installation file and note down the version.
  • Then, double-tap the File Name to start the installation process.
  • Accept the terms & conditions and fill out the required details.
  • After that, go through the Instructions appearing on your screen.
  • Finally, complete the installation process.

Method 8: Rename The QuickBooks Files

Go through the steps listed below:

  • Firstly, display all your hidden files.
  • Moreover, open File Explorer and locate the QuickBooks Files folder.
  • After that, open the folder and right-tap the File.
  • Then, add an extension at the end of Company Files.
  • Finally, open the QuickBooks Desktop tool and launch company files.


We have listed all the methods to resolve QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a. Follow the steps given here to fix the issue quickly. You can call us if you are still getting error 80029c4a in QuickBooks. Our experts will be very pleased to help you. You can contact our technical

Frequently Asked Questions

You can use these methods to fix the issue:

  • Update your antivirus software.
  • Launch the reboot.bat file.
  • Quarantine the antivirus program.
  • Update the QuickBooks tool.
  • Repair the QuickBooks software.
  • Use the Windows system file checker tool.
  • Perform a clean install.

Here are the top reasons behind the error code:

  • The QB or Windows files are damaged, missing, or corrupted.
  • Unable to locate the QB company files.
  • Antivirus or Firewall is blocking the QB software.
  • Malware or Virus attacks on your device.
  • Corrupted Windows registry files.
  • Improper installation process.
  • Missing or corrupted DLL files.
  • Missing QB file components.
QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a: 8 Ways To Fix The DLL Issue

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